someone was telling me to do or say, but in the middle of the road stopped and searched the pen I had on hand recently, thin, as is the ultimate purpose of all such, all homes are built to last 15 or 500 years, and while they lose these, that layer of dust that cover, begin to change color invariably with the weather to come for the moment featuring a man decides to define, meticulous and small a scale to measure the passage of time, which is nothing but a changing presence that pursues the illusion of holding the pen with which thin try to leave something written in the memory of his home, and rocked by wind and motionless behind the twists and turns that make the union of the walls where less light reaches the ceiling lamp. There is lost, as the blackboard of a restless little boy never wants to stop playing, then delete the doodles you draw and the more it grows, but cares make a sketch, a unique way to represent him, just to see action drawn lines that come out of their own movement is all that can be achieved, and where they link arms grass stinks because it hits your skin it wears out faster structure emerges a hot liquid that seems to fire faster, and as sweat and shake flood the room where the dwarf sweat pursues the same ways that draw on the ground in walking, the old man bored sitting watching him from a chair closer to the bed, on the board. The boy scribbled
ridiculous ways that fail to keep the attention of the other, of the beholder.
and again while deleting and writing, it is clearly interested in painting.
conditions have to move, and also draw lines, all high contrasts.
The fluidity of the dance of the little adventurer forced him to massage your own legs to stop its inert position. The dermis of the flexed knees and discreetly pulled play a bet, that whispers in the ear of its own way. I bet that with his own invention, try to determine exactly when the skin is broken and members, completed the consolidation, they break away, consumed by their own unique air-born germs and putrefaction which is housed in the house, but mainly on the air, like a large brush erodes the shale, entertaining and wearing the child for a few hours for those who wait, seems like eternity.