Luckily Pepino have reduced the budget of Public Works. Fortunately, because if it had the resources checked, the traffic on the roads would look like the 60's, when they agreed to españolitos hundred and throwing like crazy on those roads impassable roads named national.
Those roads, highways brand new today, if not expensive toll roads, were often just undergone repairs during the months of July or August. Perhaps these works were taking place throughout the year, but the subject then saw only the summer, when he left for the summer.
- You see, Mariano? The Ministry of Public Works is repairing the road. You do not know more than complain.
And so, slowly or stopped traffic, the hours spent to the village or the wealthy, to the beaches of Benidorm, Torremolinos and Guardamar del Segura.
The two lanes were reduced to one reparcheo works, asphalt rebacheo or recover lost for the sake of the invasive nature. A prayer gave way to own these, now those. And it seemed that those always fell better because the longer stoppages always seemed to us.
towns and cities are going through, and some of them, almost looking for a place to stay overnight, what it took. The people of Torres Torres in Castellón was unforgettable. There was a funnel-molecular-accessible only to molecules next to the church and on occasion, taking into account that only had capacity for a vehicle, a truck got stuck. I speak of the national highway 231, A-23 today.
The AP-7, for example, died suddenly in Puzol and when you got to Valencia knew the lights of Europe, so named because you could start from Helsinki bound to Javea and the first semaphore which was was just that.
The highway toll, now called the Mediterranean, between Xeresa disappeared again and Ondara. Or what is the same, just prior to Gandia and Denia. That forced the crossing happy as little crowded places such as that in summer or Oliva Gandia. Indeed, the AP-7 ended in Alicante and Murcia there, two-way road.
As I was saying, enough is enough digression. A Cucumber will have cut the budget and it seems that what has been dropped me squarely. A few days ago we traveled by the A-1 to go to the people of my father. It was a detour, but that we avoided us about 100 km. secondary roads left hand of the Junta de Castilla-León and countless deputations.
But we looked Cucumber works from Aranda de Duero and Burgos. Here I raise a piece of motorway, this exchange of guardrails, a little control beyond paint, thither I can think of to tweak the shoulder ... So, every few miles of going up and down those who had to share road. Once we
Burgos, the thing started to sing in the A-231 and arrive at their destination without further problem. Back
think better chose another alternative route to A-1, so that we again choose to make a detour of about 65 km. Non-stop travel by highway. Maniacs are.
So we return to the A-231 to Leon for there connecting with the A-66 in Benavente. For if the A-231 had behaved like a champion the idea, the new route decided that we would find out. We went to find out that the works are being carried out high-speed train-León Palencia!
highway So, again, became two-way road every time we we crossed a railway bridge. And sure there are many. I do not know if they are needed, since theoretically the railway and the highway going to the same site and therefore could run in parallel. Or again we have had the fellow or a construction engineer is getting the boot. That regardless of whether you need a high speed train between Palencia and León and the ban could be a decent regional service, with good train suitable frequency and speed.
Anyway, once in León accessed the A-66 and Benavente to A-6 to Madrid. But things did not improve. Did not improve at all. Again we encounter works and more works: upgrades paths I can not understand because when you remove the platform extends a lane, new variants, repairs ... even in the AP-6, ie, the stretch of toll, we travel about 20 km. for a single lane, 20 km. which, of course, were not deducted from the fee. Although to a lesser extent, also works abandoned us in the A-3, but were more bearable.
In summary. We did about 1,400 km of highway and I guess that came across more than 400 works. Luckily we have cut the budget.