Apoloseta : Supporter of fungi
Tunas : Tunos trout
Cantautista : Songwriter coñazo or gafapasta
Chamito : Cabin in the living heroes and gods
poor Gammito : chess tactic that involves changing a myth for another. Frencuentemente practicad0 by the Catholic Church
Gordilocuencia: Huge pomp and pageantry
Guirigay : Foreign homosexual
Guiriguay : Foreign SOBRAO
Iboprofénico : Medication for mental illness
Ibupofrenillo : Analgesic Men
Inquinina : Anger redundant
Maniquiero : Now, now
Mertadona : Large area that sell substitutes for cocaine and other drugs
Miniatuna : Tuna tiny,
tiny Partisarro : Describes the rebel who does not care dental hygiene
Prortocolo : A detailed plan of action that ends up as the ass
Quiromantra : Buddhist Art
reading letters Retrasto Photo ancient or made too late
Sambemito : Discredit or defamation suffered by mythological
Sástrapa : Sewing autocratic and tyrannical
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