Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Cocky Quotes For Sports

Du iu Espic inglis?

Well, this is very, very dead, long live the supreme laziness which I installed. As I'm studying English, I'll leave you some videos of the most important references in the language of Mr. Bean. I know you did not talk much, but these the Chable less.

sure your teachers have told you a thousand times that English is essential for doing business. The clearest example of that OS LIED is Emilio Botin, Santander Bank honcho.

and to govern a country or going to war? Nor, for some are the translators! If not, there is Aznar.

Obviously, I can not forget the genius of APM?

Raul-the-who-never-do-anything either learned English to promote the Olympic Games in Madrid. Do not know how you go with the German.

But if there is a great example of easy English to English, that was certainly the tito Paco (Camps not, before)


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