N arcotitzada. This is how society is. The military controlled the air, the working class suffers the consequences of enrichment of the high bourgeoisie, light up a burrada, politicians take us for, and rob us, but we noaltres seeing furgol breadcrumbs and Save me. Meanwhile, France will leave the face for their rights in England princes-attack here if we're just waiting to use the same dress twice, in Italy the streets growing Berlusconi ... Pity. Or
CTAN: great country of talk shows that the APM suten?. a tribute to the hours and hours to make the cocoon imitating homo APM? or cracks that appear. And you know, Do not not disappointed, not Tell green.
Ilaria P: beast parties, super well-mounted and half surreal.
uintos Q: we have gone to great afternoons Quintos. In addition, we discovered that a puticlú seem that after put Lady Gaga Extremoduro.
R esums stupid as this year's entry, the result of boredom and desire to do nothing.

heldon Cooper S vs Amy Farrah Flower: Amy at first I fell ill, but a female version of Sheldon is just what was missing in Big Bang to be even better. She is a girl, she is my friend, she is not my girlfriend . Bazinga?
T Raje: on Costumes and was a success and, in addition, adopted without studying. Awesome. If the Big Bang is great, How Conoco is still better.
U latest and definitive ETA truce, although the weights some "democrats"? End state of emergency in the eastern Cantabrian region?
ergonya V is the woman who put the TV. TeleCirco Buy Four, Big Brother instead of the best news channel in Spain ... Watch the scene and the sudden desire to change careers. and furthermore, DTT is the refuge of neofranquisme. Better throw the TV out the window.
W ikileaks: simply perfect. pity that he does not do its case that should do it.

Y e. And the follow Wea W! That Guti has only two in this life, of truth and good. And put that Z be nano. To change things when they work?
Z apatero. In it he said it all Lucia And foremost, Happy New Year and sorry to let you drink the summary of the year.