The first could not go because he is in prison, and China, an exercise in democracy and closer to the West has not allowed him to go, boycotted the awards and, if anything, is mounted about alternative prizes to give to whom he pleases. They've given to a former prime minister of Taiwan, in order to square the circle end, has not gone to pick it up, but there was a girl who collected on their behalf. Liu Xiaobo, not even that.

if he has gone, missing less. All English media are dedicated to kissing his feet since it was granted, especially those on the right, scurfy. What has not appeared in almost any site have been critical of him. And there motives.
First, it is rather unfortunate that you are given an award like this for a writer, supposedly loving and respectful culture with no world languages, which manifests against other languages \u200b\u200bsupport given by the far right of countries which, curiously, not yours.
To the misled, the country is Spain, language that goes against the Catalan, the far-right are the PP, the Catholic school and Mediaset media, Vocento, Intereconomía, etc., and the manifest is against the use of Catalan in Catalonia (no, for example, in Extremadura or Castilla).
And if we add that his speech was worthy of a political rally, for example, PP or UPyD, squares another circle.
Although good, if last year was given the Nobel Peace Obama for nothing (well, if, for ideas, but in the end nothing at all), it is not surprising that it has given him not to leave blank. Moreover, his style could be described as superficial and pedantic.
And finally, Big Brother, I guess to counter intellectual content. I do not think I had gone before with this program, I guess

because I've never seen beyond the cuts come at APM? and zapping some other program. And always go rednecks. Now, in the just nonsense that has removed a sumo wrestler has entered the house, supposedly to teach Japanese culture.
From this, I draw two or three concussions. One, or not very good fighters or not cobrantanto as I thought. Two, a bit of culture not as bad anger. And three, no tengo muy Claro How many contestants will end with the two tenian los ojos which prior to learning to try eating with chopsticks.
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