Vuelve is the TV culture and its con laSexta superprogramación

of Sunday, that day in that bag in the light its worst programs and, curiously, also the best. The day
empieza Teletienda with the typical Programación huecos for stuffing, LaSexta concert, Best of laSexta and from 8:50 am start as megaconstructions documentaries. At the moment, not bad. Among
spectacular buildings, cars, animals and others are starting 14:15 and news. no objection until 15:55, when it starts laSexta Sports , that great propaganda pamphlet Madrid, as all TVs, football and sports means, if anything, Formula One or doping in sports, of course, will never be the fúrgol.

At 20:20 comes the news, where sports are football and propaganda being Real Madrid, until he arrives at 21:25 Follonero to save themselves and programming. But it does not improve, and Rich Women begins, another demonstration of respect for the working class, called hearing of the channel. I will not say anything about this program, you only leave the videos.
To recover from this trauma, become Who lives there?. The thing that improves the ... 1:15 am, with Cold Case and The office, to continue the AstroTV at 2:35, other stuffed more. I think the test card would be more profitable.
In defense of the Sixth say that I have a Sunday because that is when most programs go bad, which is that "Supercasas" released recently and is a cross between Who lives there? Rich Women and and Formula One and the impartial Lobato broadcasts. On weekdays, the schedule is much better, with Crimes imperfect SLQH, intermediate, Buenafuente, shows like The Mentalist ... but the weekend is when most TV is.
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