If it is shameful that the United united UN spying, but the only problem is worse than the Yankees continue to find that someone has leaked the papers. That is, if the most powerful country in the world, most orders, with the largest army, which decides who can have nuclear weapons and who is not engaged in spying on friendly countries and institutions, supposed friends and enemies, nothing happens, the only problem is knowing who said it and upload it. They should make him a statue and not pursue it.
In addition, many of these secret files claim obvious. It is no surprise that
Sarkozy had the same ego that Cristiano Ronaldo, neither of which Berlusconi ARRIVE super emaciated so orgy, cake and Botox, or anyone is aware that Medvedev is a Putin dolphin.

His friends are not bad. The Pakistani Taliban say they financed (sounds to me a country that was arming them with the 80s and is now fighting them) and let them play in the Yemen bombing Islamists if they say they are good.
return to politics is that the King is not such a bad person, I guess that by that he falls ill Hugo Chavez ; Rubalcaba is the smartest government ... we may be, who lives in Shoemaker his world is not too desencaminat ... The most unfortunate thing is that the power to justice intromisions not investigated. Worse, they are normal. It's like back in the eighteenth century, before the division of powers, the French Revolution, liberalism ... is like returning to the Old Regime, but, ah! National Security (euphemism cagado cover).
USA killed Jose Couso, but nothing happens, do not investigate, if not Bush and Obama is not angry and plan, and ask if you hide, the better.

And the media complain that cavern leaks endanger the safety World Assange that is a danger when the danger is other people, and come to find him and make him turn into the demon. Sarah Palin said it was a terrorist (I think what makes this man away from the definition of terrorist SAR), a presenter on FOX wants to run ... But, surprise! Was delivered by an alleged case of rape in Sweden, and now can not criticize it for fugitive, nor rapist, but it looks like to thank him laugh or Sanchez Roofing Dragon.
now need to know if extradited to Sweden and those in the U.S., but ... and if you publish documents on the Yankees left the Swedes Guti worse than its image after printing against a bus?
Incidentally, the European arrest warrant for arrest has now appeared, was coincidence or not?
I think not, and you?
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