Aquest mes faré una excepció als meus mals vicis i donaré els premis quan toca, l'últim dia del mes, i no en el següen com faig normalment. És el que passa quan tens coses mñes importants que fer com un reportatge sobre el frau de la power Balance. Aquest mes hi ha de tot, molt Dakar (és el que é que es faça al gener), prous esportistes -per a bé i per a dolent- i algo de Llei Sinde. Al qui no li agrade, que s'aguante o que pose un comentari, que potser s'emporta un premi.
Premi EEES al crack del mes : a tots els dakarians, als que van acabar-lo i als que no, and past winners, but especially all the riders Laia Sanz and anonymous abstracts that appeared to Tragant powder, which ended at dawn and ran almost to Empalme.
megacrack the Month Award EHEA : how could it be otherwise, tunissians those who have completed 23 years of dictatorship and also that the Egyptians are trying to imitate them. Many haurie (m) No fact or having to do the same.
Award EHEA the idiot of the month: Marriage Fernando Alonso-Raquel del Rosario, who came to Portugal in storm plan and Attila quesón were like two idiots or those who can not take vacation.
Award EHEA freedom of expression : Semple even contradictory, the journalist who never stopped talking Berlusconi in his program, then the guy just as it ends. For many TV stations that control and faces a lot of publicity, always reach more people that leave you shit or evidence in a foreign caal.
Award EHEA at the (un) happy birthday : back to Africa. The happy, the creation of the Dakar, and the unfortunate death, 25 years ago, its creator, Thierry Sabine in a helicopter crash in the race 25 years ago.
Award EHEA in breadcrumbs month: the English government, unresponsive to stimuli such as the release of ETA, and maintains the same speech for months and months and months.
Award EHEA au revorie ": to DefErr Gervasi, a crack that has been withdrawn, and Alex de la Iglesia, which proved to be the sole manager of something or someone more or less relevant this country can not resign and cling to power as if it were only there in the world. Bravo, Alex.
Award EHEA at the month sentence: "The whole basis of wealth is the steal, the United Left Julio Anguita excoordinador program Salvadoran ( laSexta ).
That most politicians in this country are a gang of inept political lives of the filthy rich and knows almost everyone. Who are unable to sit down and talk like normal people in reaching agreements on important issues, too. But when it comes to aggravate the staff there they are, the first to agree, to reach agreements and all you want. Ques
PSOE and PP Executed something is almost impossible (except for leverage in power in Euskadi, but that is a world apart), and to do something useful as a utopia. But the Law Sinde, why not agree? Total control provided a little more justice than they already control it. Because where a judge decided whether the activity was legal download sites (and decided that if), will now hit the "Commission on Intellectual Property" and decide to close it. And that's not what I say, what they say.
In a country culturally very backward, where the original is rare thing that is very difficult to read subtitles, the only option to view in the original series or movies, is the Internet. And, so far, if I see an English series, or U.S., or French, I'm not hurting any English operator. But of course, better seen as a Christian, and if the translation is shit, fuck you.
For many websites to close, will always be those of ... I do not know ... Does the rest of the world? For just suddenly occurs to me from Mexico to Patagonia also speak Castilian, and the same series or movies have the same subtitle, except that instead of instead of a page. It will be. Ar. Mx o. any-country-speaking.
Fortunately, the web of links will not disappear with the Law Sinde, what happens is that the powerful, those who send to those who chose it as the least bad option, send more, and great minds like Alejandro Sanz Ramoncín have something to celebrate. Meanwhile, artists who do not tienen una discográfica detrás y que se daban a conocer por internet, que se promocionan ahí, les tocará joderse.
La censura, ya sea periodística, televisiva, en internet o en cualquier sitio demuestra la ineptitud de los gobernantes de turno; pero el que quiere censurar internet vive en China o en otro planeta. Y no estamos en China.
Y ahora, voy a bajarme series, pelis y música hasta llenar el disco duro. Dedicado a Sinde.
Law Sinde Golden Globes - The pleasure of doing what you want
Hago lo que quiero, lo hago como quiero, me sale como quiero, aqui no te quiero. Puta . - El Tito MC -
Tras estas sabias palabras, voy a hablaros de los Globos Golden I'm not getting to the winners, or with people dressed as (I'm not the ABC), and I talk a lot of movies. In fact, this post would not exist were it not for Ricky Gervais, comedian and host of the gala. First of all, Mr. Golden Globe should know that if there is a comedian presenting something, it makes sense to make jokes, any minimally developed mind understand.
The staff (critics, journalists, actors, directors, orgnizadores, etc.) Did not like much that you mess with Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp for The Tourist on his face, to make racist jokes about laws stupid, that you mess with Burlesque ...
seems to me perfect. Are you funny, make jokes with what you have at hand, but, as I was to ask if Gabilondo Buenafuente to see Big Brother? If you can not take criticism, consider your career as an actor, but when you look at Halle Berry went for his Antioscar, so happy.
Total, the jokes are more fun are in this order, sexist, racist, Lepe (who are also racist) of Real Madrid and Catalonia.
also run around the theory that Gervais did not want to present the show and wanted to fire on a high note. If so, simply GREAT. In style, going around the world and all pissed. Quite a crack.
And if you have to hit someone four screaming, as did Christina Aguilera, as they are hit and au, whatever the consequences are too ghost loose. Regarding treatment
chelae have English media should know that not only are film awards, there are series and such, but hey, it seems that they do not care where you are (or not) it is removed Bardem castizo not, and if they do not give up any awards, is a Judeo-Masonic conspiracy as the Golden Ball against Spain, led certainly by Hollywood, French y. .. I do not know, Carod Rovira, for example. (Habes I laughed, I know)
Anyway, where are the sarcasm and irony, to remove their crappy and cheesy presenters who merely read the script as the typical teacher who comes to read aloud a power point.
I have the certainty perhaps only at times (very confusing state to be lost) that I move. and I do, as I can. is that I find things too fragile, slippery come and clash, without touching the bottom as from a waterfall (do not make noise if they are listening
from above) its slope is of uncertain origin, and driven a kind of wind bathes all the prolongation of the fall, in fragments, on the rocks, almost always all together, stacked, and still as dead bodies and be many, decorate the mostly desert.
the memory of some events do not belong to us. when you have a tongue of fire followed should turn it off, if you have to sleep and when that happens, the attack on all, with words, usually deny it.
Usually she rests her eyes rest on the black background, which is distinguished in the gloom, a bubble-shaped gap. and soon ceases to be early, light reflections painted on a mountain, with a swivel, as the body of a snake appearance seems overwhelming. is another excuse to show teeth and raise anger, or passionate mood against him that are alike.
I have the certainty that moves and actually do, such as hit-and injured
but there is no other choice but to defend. when the tongue of fire that has not long say horrible things.
superstar now Because I'm worth is none other than Manolo Lama, a sports journalist, famous for being one of the spokesmen of Real Madrid in Sports Four (one day Four I will tell you), tell Madrí matches and the English team in the BE until decided to leave them lying and switch to tell the COPE and FIFA matches with his amigito Paco González soul which can not be separated.
After a lot of years in the making SER SER football and Sports, in addition to participating in the Rail, Lama did not hesitate a moment passed when the COPE with colleagues of many years, purchased by bishops for the same radio that people are throwing "the crisis" (here we understand the term crisis as "when I want to buy stencils outside as triple the salary I can not throw all that rascal"). Boasting
professionalism, Lama was expected to Four and Telecirc merge to his position as presenter of Sport Four in danger and can not get out of the SER and keep your job on TV without problem. And she did, although by far to be reminded that it is in the COPE, he continues in his world, and in his first appearance in a match, the shit in style. Since I have not found the video, I leave the link and you give the play .
Well, that, that no idea where it is. Among his "legendary moments", the attack suffered by two Ultra Sur in Liverpool for TV connection prior to the blast-Madrid Liverpool (Liverpool), although not understood because they hit one of their own, the controversy with that genius named Javier Clemente, three years ago, following a traffic accident in 87 lama, the love of seven of Spain (although it was Villa), the never doing anything, the dead, the risen, the great white captain, Raul, that player over the past four years wandering through the fields in the league and Europe to round, eh-y. of course, the good person that is helping a beggar in Hamburg, when he went to the final of the UEFA's Atletico. Why did I was? I guess to conclude that a team which includes the word madrid won something.
And here his explanations, to see if anyone believes it.
After seeing yesterday APM?, I decided to restore this section full of musical events and to speak of Josmar. This character made famous in "Lives Limited" from laSexta , where he jumped to APM? to become a superstar.
As you have seen, it does everything except tax, proablemente. As a utility knife, like, I cook it, so I As.
According to his autobiography, has worked in TVE, TV3, Rac 105, 40 main Telecirc, Radio FlaixBack ... In 1998 she recorded her first CD, I love you, also on vinyl and exhausted, but if you will, his next two albums, Girls (2003-2004, with up to 3 songs) and Hot (2005-2006, also with three tracks) by "reasonable" prices euriquis 48 and 20 respectively.
Make the presentations, I leave a few viedoclips to glory with him.
The legendary Ragazza
Hot Boy a sex symbol, come on.
And finally, Girls, girls, girls, who appeared in a British TV show where geeks sought throughout Europe. We, like me.
Y'know, if you want to know more about this phenomenon, here is your web .
was going to upgrade to something else, but after seeing the Antena 3 puts people, rather than re television culture is the other big TV Spain's private.
It begins at about 6 am, with "The Morning News" program very original and unusual at that hour and with a name even more carefully worked. To continue the general trend of the TVs at 8:45 (I have not left anything, the news last almost 3 hours less ads), another innovative format, a magazine, in this case Public Mirror, presented by Susanna Griso, speaking a little of everything, sometimes more coherently, sometimes less, and usually meat zapping.
From 12:30 pm followed by "The wheel of fortune", a cultural program that could be considered but for the band donkeys that contest, probably chosen at random from the less prodigious minds of this country. And at 2, of course, "The Simpsons", which after a thousand replacements are among the most popular shows of the day. probably the most profitable program in the history of English television.
after "The Simpsons", comes the news, at 3, with Roberto Arce and Monica Martinez. At 4, today gave a film, but soon begin "Bandolier" yet another soap opera that takes days to promote in every way possible
At 17:45, to wake from a nap, "3D", which is not a movie in 3 dimensions, is a program that introduces Gloria Serra I've never seen or that goes, but it allows you to reach one of the highlights of the day: "The Journal"! At 18:45, Sandra Daviu characters faces and little characters of all kinds. I leave the Top 10 that did in APM?, A sample of what you see, although there are of best .
Without words.
At 20:15, to mouth, Karlos Arguiñano, who left rival Telecirc full course (c'mon, like Figo but TV version). And at 9, prime time, news of Matías Prats, with Manu Sanchez's successor, JJ Santos, Real Madrid and nothing concealed in sports.
overcome the trauma of Manu Sanchez and after half an hour for ads with a break for the time (30 seconds but, hey, not much more), comes "DEC", supposedly, at 10; probably, at 10:30. For what's in zapping programs, is a crappy version of "Save Me" without Belén Esteban, but with superstars of English prisons or as Julian Muñoz Pantoja (Telecirc only has escaped).
And among gossip, insults and other ad-nonsense, and we arrived at 2'30 in the morning. If we end the 24 hours straight watching Antena 3, have two other very original and innovative programs in the television landscape at dawn English, "Guess Who wins tonight," a show worthy of call out in APM? and the like, and "Unique", I do not know that is not put it anywhere.
Among the other major programs Antena 3 is "The Joke Club" (bad), "Physics and Chemistry" (FOQ, fuck or quieroquetelargues), Gavilanes, Megatrix (if it exists, it I doubt), the awesome movie (which is usually a pretty bad movie), and the poker night.
And here comes Antenna 3. I don? To me, not much, really, only The Simpsons and little else. Y'know, if you want to do something useful and culturizaros, turn off the TV and read a book (other than "The Water Cat Spain", please) or make documentaries La2.
pd: the duration of the decreases considerably if we take the number of ads enoooooooorme give pd 2: If, as the picture of roulette can be a subliminal message to the program that gives Telecirc at that time, and no, not an assembly, if you put the wheel of fortune in Google you out the first .
The football also have a social conscience!! Premis
Rarely is a player for showing news having a social conscience, who really cares about the problems surrounding it. Most, mercenaries in every sense of the word , say the phrase of the day to please the fans and they swear eternal love to a computer and then go to the closest rival by ten or a dozen bin Ladens more per month.
Although sometimes there are exceptions, as eight players from the Royal Society who have shown their support for the demonstration by the group to claim Etxerat approach Euskadi Basque prisoners. How could it be otherwise, the players are all Basques: Agirretxe, Ansotegi, Mike Gonzalez, Labaké, Zubikarai, Markel Bergara, David Zurutuza and Mikel Aranburu.
to silence his conscience, most players are limited to charitable pachangas we have these days, Friends of Casillas plan against Friends of Figo (I only see the Friends of Guti against Friends of Ronaldinho I read some already), Champions for Africa and other circus acts that only serve to make the laSexta make the shift from Madrid publireportage in sports and I laugh thanks to players like Sergio Ramos, as they did when criticized Piqué answer or say Up in Catalan Spain-poor, which means you will not know. When someone who is cleared out, they look weird, and when they leave 8 of coup and more of a taboo subject for most of society, they are accused by a cross.
not, they should ask for Oleguer. Ajax defender never hid his independence and his support for the official selections of Catalunya and Euskal Herria, but when asked for the acquittal of de Juana Chaos was a boycott against it, starting with the brand that sponsored him, he withdrew sponsorship, and Munich just accepted it. I have so marked that if Oleguer will Okupa demonstration in Amsterdam is news but if a goal is scored they find his family, a friend and his followers in Twitter (if any).
also curious if Cantona uno de los grandes de los delanteros 90, who makes few months pidió that one day the whole world its Sacarés Savings banks for them to send them what comes to be afraid to take culo. No tuvo Too much success, but consiguió calling attention and, as not to be with the métier.
Moraleja: if you turn away the majority, now miran raro. And evil.
are annoying do with Javier Bardem. Start the year and, of course, are already lists of candidates for the Oscar and other awards given in the immediate temporary: goyas, Golden Globes ... And there's Javier Bardem, the nonsense I hear you say true: the new Marlon Brando, the new Al Pacino. What if the sea of \u200b\u200battractive ... It is, if one likes the look Atapuerca. If it is a actorazo ... should also be provided and when we have the trained ear to decipher those who do not vocalize. I do not like Bardem . I very much want to go natural, which is sometimes confused with going dirty. I very much want to go for alternative, especially when it has no qualms about doing promotional tours and red carpet and all that. For that, aha, I do not like Bardem. I do not like and I do not act like a man. Where this George ...
Start year end summaries of stuffing and return the awards HA.
Award EHEA month to crack: it comes to my mind nothing more important, so repeat WikiLeaks, and by so doing that they are trying to silence. And if you already did all the counties that it deserves ...
Award EHEA the idiot of the month: a prodigious minds that they stole artwork by Picasso or Chillida and tried to sell them as xatarra, as if the paintings and sculptures not useless . Uncultured country. Award shared with air traffic controllers, how could it be otherwise.
EHEA Prize for freedom of expression : for hackers who have attacked Paypal, Master Card, etc.. After he retired the finances to WikiLeaks.
Award EHEA at the silly month : Big Brother to 24 hours instead of CNN +.
Award EHEA at the worst coverage : laSexta in sports, for its coverage of Operation Greyhound (operations greyhound) because not all athletes dopem us, and because they can go in and make a report Blume copllons or go to the cocoon and it shit Ask first what was happening there. And almost all other channels that remain could take se'una special mention.
Award EHEA at the month sentence: "Matters of the Twitter more than our football medals, Mireia Belmonte, swimmers, which identifies the swimmers, athletes, cyclists, halteras, gymnasts and other athletes just come on TV in the Olympics or when they win.