me sale como quiero, aqui no te quiero.
Puta . - El Tito MC -
Tras estas sabias palabras, voy a hablaros de los Globos Golden I'm not getting to the winners, or with people dressed as (I'm not the ABC), and I talk a lot of movies. In fact, this post would not exist were it not for Ricky Gervais, comedian and host of the gala. First of all, Mr. Golden Globe should know that if there is a comedian presenting something, it makes sense to make jokes, any minimally developed mind understand.

seems to me perfect. Are you funny, make jokes with what you have at hand, but, as I was to ask if Gabilondo Buenafuente to see Big Brother? If you can not take criticism, consider your career as an actor, but when you look at Halle Berry went for his Antioscar, so happy.
Total, the jokes are more fun are in this order, sexist, racist, Lepe (who are also racist) of Real Madrid and Catalonia.
also run around the theory that Gervais did not want to present the show and wanted to fire on a high note. If so, simply GREAT. In style, going around the world and all pissed. Quite a crack.

chelae have English media should know that not only are film awards, there are series and such, but hey, it seems that they do not care where you are (or not) it is removed Bardem castizo not, and if they do not give up any awards, is a Judeo-Masonic conspiracy as the Golden Ball against Spain, led certainly by Hollywood, French y. .. I do not know, Carod Rovira, for example. (Habes I laughed, I know)
Anyway, where are the sarcasm and irony, to remove their crappy and cheesy presenters who merely read the script as the typical teacher who comes to read aloud a power point.
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