It begins at about 6 am, with "The Morning News" program very original and unusual at that hour and with a name even more carefully worked. To continue the general trend of the TVs at 8:45 (I have not left anything, the news last almost 3 hours less ads), another innovative format, a magazine, in this case Public Mirror, presented by Susanna Griso, speaking a little of everything, sometimes more coherently, sometimes less, and usually meat zapping.

after "The Simpsons", comes the news, at 3, with Roberto Arce and Monica Martinez. At 4, today gave a film, but soon begin "Bandolier" yet another soap opera that takes days to promote in every way possible
At 17:45, to wake from a nap, "3D", which is not a movie in 3 dimensions, is a program that introduces Gloria Serra I've never seen or that goes, but it allows you to reach one of the highlights of the day: "The Journal"! At 18:45, Sandra Daviu characters faces and little characters of all kinds. I leave the Top 10 that did in APM?, A sample of what you see, although there are of best .
Without words.
At 20:15, to mouth, Karlos Arguiñano, who left rival Telecirc full course (c'mon, like Figo but TV version). And at 9, prime time, news of Matías Prats, with Manu Sanchez's successor, JJ Santos, Real Madrid and nothing concealed in sports.

And among gossip, insults and other ad-nonsense, and we arrived at 2'30 in the morning. If we end the 24 hours straight watching Antena 3, have two other very original and innovative programs in the television landscape at dawn English, "Guess Who wins tonight," a show worthy of call out in APM? and the like, and "Unique", I do not know that is not put it anywhere.

And here comes Antenna 3. I don? To me, not much, really, only The Simpsons and little else. Y'know, if you want to do something useful and culturizaros, turn off the TV and read a book (other than "The Water Cat Spain", please) or make documentaries La2.
pd: the duration of the decreases considerably if we take the number of ads enoooooooorme
pd 2: If, as the picture of roulette can be a subliminal message to the program that gives Telecirc at that time, and no, not an assembly, if you put the wheel of fortune in Google you out the first .
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