Monday, January 31, 2011

Nitro Tech Vs Extreme 60

Premis EHEA - gener

Aquest mes faré una excepció als meus mals vicis i donaré els premis quan toca, l'últim dia del mes, i no en el següen com faig normalment. És el que passa quan tens coses mñes importants que fer com un reportatge sobre el frau de la power Balance. Aquest mes hi ha de tot, molt Dakar (és el que é que es faça al gener), prous esportistes -per a bé i per a dolent- i algo de Llei Sinde. Al qui no li agrade, que s'aguante o que pose un comentari, que potser s'emporta un premi.

Premi EEES al crack del mes : a tots els dakarians, als que van acabar-lo i als que no, and past winners, but especially all the riders Laia Sanz and anonymous abstracts that appeared to Tragant powder, which ended at dawn and ran almost to Empalme.

megacrack the Month Award EHEA : how could it be otherwise, tunissians those who have completed 23 years of dictatorship and also that the Egyptians are trying to imitate them. Many haurie (m) No fact or having to do the same.

Award EHEA the idiot of the month: Marriage Fernando Alonso-Raquel del Rosario, who came to Portugal in storm plan and Attila quesón were like two idiots or those who can not take vacation.

Award EHEA freedom of expression : Semple even contradictory, the journalist who never stopped talking Berlusconi in his program, then the guy just as it ends. For many TV stations that control and faces a lot of publicity, always reach more people that leave you shit or evidence in a foreign caal.

Award EHEA at the (un) happy birthday : back to Africa. The happy, the creation of the Dakar, and the unfortunate death, 25 years ago, its creator, Thierry Sabine in a helicopter crash in the race 25 years ago.

Award EHEA in breadcrumbs month: the English government, unresponsive to stimuli such as the release of ETA, and maintains the same speech for months and months and months.

Award EHEA au revorie ": to DefErr Gervasi, a crack that has been withdrawn, and Alex de la Iglesia, which proved to be the sole manager of something or someone more or less relevant this country can not resign and cling to power as if it were only there in the world. Bravo, Alex.

Award EHEA at the month sentence: "The whole basis of wealth is the steal, the United Left Julio Anguita excoordinador program Salvadoran ( laSexta ).


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