Wednesday, February 2, 2011

How To Remove Stud Earrings

Bisbal masters of the world and Italy erotic

Most of the people knew, more or less, it is happening in Egypt. Some can do humor well done (Buenafuente, Wyoming ...), and other screw up in style (Bisbal). One of the few contestants who left Idol and did not disappear from the map put on Twitter that "I never have seen the pyramids of Egypt so little traffic, hopefully soon to end the revolt." Two words. O-le. His thing was that, as celebrities often do in these cases, had said that someone hacked your Twitter and wrote it. But do not get that far, but the truth is appreciated. People answered with tweets like "I never have been so few cars circulating in Venice, hopefully soon the flood is over" (@ Anitaesazul), I was recently a Quechua tribe and told them I loved the clothes made for Decathlon (@ Chanoc) or come to see the Sistine Chapel. To be a ninja turtle, Michelangelo was a painter cojo (@ CarlotaAlfaro). Probably Bisbal is preparing a plan benefit concert "Help those affected by the flooding of Venice."

Let's go to another part of the world of the world, specifically the IuEsEi. The self-proclaimed masters of the world have a surefire way to discover when it will end elinvierno: a groundhog (is that right). Like the octopus Paul, but is still not dead and called Phil. Today it has reached the conclusiçón ianquie that winter will end soon . For

go. I do not know how many thousand years of human evolution, and most armed country has a groundhog meteorologist. Sure it does better than Bush, who covered himself in glory when Katrina, but has passed him up as president. Too bad the animals can not occur.

and finished with a member of Berlusconi, Simeone di Cagno. They caught the guy looking at porn on your IPAD. Nothing unusual or that comment if not for ... was in Parliament. As Schuster said, "no lack desir hase nothing else", draw your conclusions.


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