Back to the block
the holiday has been short-lived. In fact there has been no holiday. Among paperwork, visits the lawyer, the INEM, the former company, there are always papers to sign, "job interviews, more job interviews, tests and assess various possibilities, I have not had much free time. Moreover, began to be overwhelmed by so many things piled up.
And when everything seemed to calm down, bang, I get work. Wear a week, which means that learning the name of the people who are around me and get me task, I have enough. Not
not bad. Salaries, psss, but will improve in less than a year. The schedule for the American, 8 to 17:30 with a half hour for lunch and Friday, departure at 15:00 hours, provided you do not have English, I have it. So two more hours.
top is right next to home. Well be right next if there is a decent sidewalk or a trail fairly passable, but instead there are only half-built solar and fences. Given my poor mobility be a bit foolhardy to climb that mountain goat embankments, so I have to detour from my house to work is longer than I like.
I do not like, for the utmost safety. No you can go to any branch without magnetic card and the cards are coded so that only some can access certain areas.
And for three quarters out of the same. I threw a couple of days without the happy card and every time I went to the bathroom or for a coffee I had to look out the windows and hit for someone to open me, as an abandoned puppy. Now enter and leave with all normal?, Because most of the time I forget that to open a door, before I have to activate a button ... and there I am, struggling with the latch until the existence of the blessed memory button.
The obsession with security is brutal. For example, Internet pages are mostly prohibited No access to web mail or newspapers. Computers have no readers cd / dvd and use a usb memory little less than before them-a-reports a third-degree interrogation.
Of course, I have been discharged as a staff researcher at the website of the ministry of science and technology. That's class, I say.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Friday, February 18, 2011
Ontario Vanity Plates Check
public Declaració d'Accio Cultural
public Declaració d'Accio Cultural del País Valencià (ACPV)
Valencia, divendres, 18 febrer, 2011
Gathered d'Accio Cultural del País Valencia on Thursday, February 17, 2011, has decided to cease emissions of TV3 in Valencia. This is caused by the renewed threat of new fines of the Valencian government. Our company has already paid an initial fine of EUR 126,943.9 and now must be paid two fines totaling 600,000 euros. The deadline for doing so is March 20, if we want to starts the process of constraint and seizure of bank accounts, properties and aids, such as October's Contemporary Culture Centre. Now, in addition, we are threatened with new fines that would mean 120,000 euros more each month.
Given this decision, Cultural Action considered: First
. This campaign of persecution against the work of Cultural Action Honourable Mr Francisco Camps, president of the Generalitat Valenciana.
One of the main reasons is to use the closure of TV3 as a screen for serious allegations hanging over his person as a defendant in the case Gurtel. Second
. This persecution of Mr Cultural Action. Francisco Camps was against the spirit of all European legislation.
All international treaties guaranteeing freedom of movement of audio-visual products. This avoids the political and administrative boundaries constitute an obstacle to the promotion of linguistic diversity and European cultural.
Third. Mr. Frankish Camps and arbitrarily amended the legislation expressly Valencia in order to force the closure of TV3.
end has come to promote a change of law, our sole objective entity and recipient: it is the modification of Law 1 / 2006 of the Government, Audiovisual, by Law 16/2010 , 27 December, on Fiscal, Administrative and Financial Management and organization of the Government. Underline that have not been two months of changing the law.
Fourth. Mr. Camps knows that it has been reciprocity TV3 and Channel 9
Cultural Action was the first civic organization that promoted the creation of Channel 9. Also, since 1989, was promoted to the arrival of Channel 9 in Catalonia. Subsequently, the Catalan government decided to facilitate the reception of Channel 9 in Catalonia for two years while waiting for an agreement of reciprocity with the Generalitat Valenciana. This agreement was rejected by Mr. Camps and continued persecution of TV3.
Fifth. Mr. Camps Valencia denies a television in their own language.
believe that such discrimination is a serious attack on the language and culture in Valencia, against the interests of our people.
Therefore, we ask that the Popular Party
substituesca Mr. Camps as a candidate for the upcoming regional elections, because we understand that a person is unresponsive to the interests of Valencia. Only thus can solve worrying degradation of democracy that currently afflicting the country and ensure that Valencian institutions recover their dignity.
however, not considered closed Cultural Action in the history of TV3 in Valencia. First, the background of the legal dispute remains pending in the Supreme Court and then, if necessary to other European institutions. Because we reason.
Finally, we thank the efforts and solidarity, both during the last 26 years as at present, have shown towards Valencia Cultural Action of its members, hundreds of thousands of citizens of Valencia, Catalonia and the Balearic Islands and the entire civil society of our country, whether associations, political parties, unions, etc.. To all, thank you.
Cultural Action invites you to join the initiative
support spontaneous emission in Valencia
leaving TV3 blogs and websites
public Declaració d'Accio Cultural del País Valencià (ACPV)
Valencia, divendres, 18 febrer, 2011
Gathered d'Accio Cultural del País Valencia on Thursday, February 17, 2011, has decided to cease emissions of TV3 in Valencia. This is caused by the renewed threat of new fines of the Valencian government. Our company has already paid an initial fine of EUR 126,943.9 and now must be paid two fines totaling 600,000 euros. The deadline for doing so is March 20, if we want to starts the process of constraint and seizure of bank accounts, properties and aids, such as October's Contemporary Culture Centre. Now, in addition, we are threatened with new fines that would mean 120,000 euros more each month.
Given this decision, Cultural Action considered: First
. This campaign of persecution against the work of Cultural Action Honourable Mr Francisco Camps, president of the Generalitat Valenciana.
One of the main reasons is to use the closure of TV3 as a screen for serious allegations hanging over his person as a defendant in the case Gurtel. Second
. This persecution of Mr Cultural Action. Francisco Camps was against the spirit of all European legislation.
All international treaties guaranteeing freedom of movement of audio-visual products. This avoids the political and administrative boundaries constitute an obstacle to the promotion of linguistic diversity and European cultural.
Third. Mr. Frankish Camps and arbitrarily amended the legislation expressly Valencia in order to force the closure of TV3.
end has come to promote a change of law, our sole objective entity and recipient: it is the modification of Law 1 / 2006 of the Government, Audiovisual, by Law 16/2010 , 27 December, on Fiscal, Administrative and Financial Management and organization of the Government. Underline that have not been two months of changing the law.
Fourth. Mr. Camps knows that it has been reciprocity TV3 and Channel 9
Cultural Action was the first civic organization that promoted the creation of Channel 9. Also, since 1989, was promoted to the arrival of Channel 9 in Catalonia. Subsequently, the Catalan government decided to facilitate the reception of Channel 9 in Catalonia for two years while waiting for an agreement of reciprocity with the Generalitat Valenciana. This agreement was rejected by Mr. Camps and continued persecution of TV3.
Fifth. Mr. Camps Valencia denies a television in their own language.
believe that such discrimination is a serious attack on the language and culture in Valencia, against the interests of our people.
Therefore, we ask that the Popular Party
substituesca Mr. Camps as a candidate for the upcoming regional elections, because we understand that a person is unresponsive to the interests of Valencia. Only thus can solve worrying degradation of democracy that currently afflicting the country and ensure that Valencian institutions recover their dignity.
however, not considered closed Cultural Action in the history of TV3 in Valencia. First, the background of the legal dispute remains pending in the Supreme Court and then, if necessary to other European institutions. Because we reason.
Finally, we thank the efforts and solidarity, both during the last 26 years as at present, have shown towards Valencia Cultural Action of its members, hundreds of thousands of citizens of Valencia, Catalonia and the Balearic Islands and the entire civil society of our country, whether associations, political parties, unions, etc.. To all, thank you.
Cultural Action invites you to join the initiative
support spontaneous emission in Valencia
leaving TV3 blogs and websites
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Pokemon Chaos Black Mt Moon No Cheats
After the anger, now I'm immersed in paperwork. Because this has been a non stop, that if you sign papers that if present paper, that if ... joer interviews with the busy life of the newly unemployed, if it was unbearable stress. There are things
suddenly discover that, as the unemployment offices, or INEM, or Servef or whatever the hell they are. Wanted to rename things so they do not seem what they are: unemployment offices. For
was an unforgettable experience and asked me documents I have even read somewhere that no longer issued, such as the Family Book. The family book! I had to go home and look, a little longer than necessary to handle the unemployment benefit.
Because what's to register as a jobseeker is quick and easy, but you ask to get paid for doing nothing has a different pace ... and many papers. Total, all morning at the office, too, that did not stop.
As the wait is long and I was so foolish not to take anything to read, I observed the staff. Moroccans had to bore, there were also American, but the Moroccans won by a landslide.
unemployment Not content with giving me the high and collect the application for unemployment Nah, you pay me, cousin, I have no na see that giving shurumbeles, I set an interview "in depth" that I have to go over papers: academic qualifications, work life, social security card, resume ... in short, the question is keep me entertained.
Then the former company has hired a mediator of those for that are supposed to relocate us. And have a pint to run. I have said twice already and I still own my assigned does not know what to do with me. Well, actually I think she does not know what to do. I smell a sacacuartos. He says he will teach me how to do interviews.
Another thing I said is I have to activate "my network of relationships," I come to interpret as I make my family, friends and acquaintances to find work. That's so helpful of "hey, if you know something ..." I say, is this intended to charge for my friends and myself get a job? You have to throw nose to life.
The issue is that I have and some job offers. Some are serious and some not reach mileurista, stay in quinientoseurista, but at least I have fun and I can learn some things.
Then there are the courses I want to do and, unfortunately, are expensive and those that are affordable do not have formal qualifications. I'm not saying they are not useful, but not officially used to prove knowledge. Everyone knows that in this country suffer from an endemic disease called titulitis. And in those
. I hope that soon again have work obligations and, therefore, have a little time to write because of the strike that takes me a long time.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Denise Milani, Nipple
the País Valencià doping is free (and you even laugh grace)
Once upon a time, a country that uncovered two cases of doping in five years. The first sanctioned cyclists, many, others were marked with an X. Time showed that some were playing outside, were positive and were punished. Others saw their careers ruined. And others, they ruined it years later. They said it was the biggest doping case in history, until Barca, Madrid and Valencia were involved. And tennis. But never heard of them. Years later, he jumped another case of massive doping, organized by the same physician. The media are rubbing their hands, more morbid, another victim to the to destroy: athletics. That if such an athlete does not know that, if he do not know how ...
In the first, many saw a plot against English sport by French, Italian ... in the other, a political plot against the PP and a smokescreen to cover the issue of drivers ("mixing politics with sport?). Two crimes against public health, organized by the same person. Maybe there's a problem of justice.
And in between, there was Alberto Contador. He won a Tour, Giro, a Tour, another tour and another Giro. But, oh! tested positive. By clenbuterol. A minimal amount, almost undetectable, but it is positive. Guilt? A txuletón a friend took him to the Tour's rest day. You can believe his version. Or not. Others returned to see a plot by the French against the English sport. With eñe.
I sanctioned a year, but his wife federation, it does not support races like the Tour of Valencia or Catalonia, acquitted him. They believe their version, while others have been punished for less. Another show that justice works. Zapatero called for his acquittal. and mixing politics with sports is not good. Peter J. I walked by his super TV, morbid in its purest form, as did Marta Domínguez. The ABC laughed grace, and laugh of justice [the balloon went up today, you will say]. That one of the superheroes of the sport in a country is acquitted because the contaminated meat, means we can all eat meat from animals fattened with banned, what does? Do I have to declare an alarm as mad cow disease or the flu? "All we eat contaminated meat? Am I a vegetarian?
I leave you with some words of the great Mario Pestano after the acquittal of Count (for those who do not know, is the best discus thrower in the history of Spain).
From today to eat fillet steak in cold blood, little bit afraid that something clembuterol Security and logistics needs assist ... well ya no
sancionan now ... that there joderse,, and that happens with the systems of control beef?? And now where I buy meat or where as, to know that beef esa esta bien?
Ayyyyyyuyu cabezaaaa me ... that sad ....

In the first, many saw a plot against English sport by French, Italian ... in the other, a political plot against the PP and a smokescreen to cover the issue of drivers ("mixing politics with sport?). Two crimes against public health, organized by the same person. Maybe there's a problem of justice.
And in between, there was Alberto Contador. He won a Tour, Giro, a Tour, another tour and another Giro. But, oh! tested positive. By clenbuterol. A minimal amount, almost undetectable, but it is positive. Guilt? A txuletón a friend took him to the Tour's rest day. You can believe his version. Or not. Others returned to see a plot by the French against the English sport. With eñe.

From today to eat fillet steak in cold blood, little bit afraid that something clembuterol Security and logistics needs assist ... well ya no
sancionan now ... that there joderse,, and that happens with the systems of control beef?? And now where I buy meat or where as, to know that beef esa esta bien?
Ayyyyyyuyu cabezaaaa me ... that sad ....
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Croscill Old Patterns
The contamination, if strained, strain, and if not, peel me
Recent days have seen some councils "are concerned" (euphemism for passing all) for contamination. This is the case of Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia. In Madrid and Valencia, Gallardón and Rita have had no better idea to change the location of the stations that measure the levels of air pollution. They have spent a lot of sites contaminated green areas as parks. So when they said that before the city was too polluted now say that, supposedly, is good. If Cuel, Cuel, and if not, my king.
But if you leave the car home and went by subway or bus, or train, or three, better not be the case that pollute. Could also go to places by bike, but the magnificent cycle track in Valencia (That which is divided by points far from the city, four comes and goes) is not accompanied by a lot. Nor do support the recommendation of outdoor sport of Madrid, just in case breathing polluted air. In Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthe first electoral promise fulfilled Mas is the load ban on entering the city in more than 80 per hour.
In reality, though failed, because it does not rain and the contamination rate is not advisable to go to that archive. Meanwhile, in cities of that something called Europe and it is so good and important when cutting putejar social rights and the working class, major cities restrict access to your rental center for health issues and pollution. People on public transport, cycling ... But nothing here, hoped that better rained one day these, marxe the cloud of pollution i. .. to pollute!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Haircolor For Rosacea
I need free time also contributed to the statistics
I had
little desire to write lately. My mind was on other things, not making any comments irrelevant triviality that happens to me. I had
Today, February 2, I can proclaim that contributed to 4,231,003 unemployed in this country. I have been graced with my company ERE with impunity has been applied to one third of the workforce. Well, third in literal terms, but if we remove council, ex council, stewards, sons, nephews and other relatives, things are reduced to your own, you do not. In other words, 50%. ERE
The announcement was made at the most suitable of the company. It informed the works council when he was to report to the direction after union elections held in late November.
And there they were, so happy, with its list of claims that you make fun of the CNT and the primitive CCOO life balance, training, internal promotion plans ... spring flowers and everything was so happy that they are promised. Question was not put heavy wages, the thing is very sick.
I imagine that gave address a fit of laughter that almost broke ass. Unwary.
So the first action of the new works council was clean your ass with their demands and announced to staff that they painted rough, but rough-rough.
Negotiations began and suddenly we realized employees union lawyers were going crazy for signing. Come on, little more than it was a blessed gift. The thing was fine, as long as the company warned to keep negotiations on a plane rather discreetly, obscurantism, the next day we read in the newspapers all the details.
And the day came, the assembly to approve the ERE happy. Committee members without a father or mother or dog barks, which they, I say, Manolete, if you know what you get pa bullfight, "the union to use, with the exception of the CGT, saying the deal was better impossible, but unfortunately had not reduced the number of people affected.
not consider reduction of working hours, shifts or other ways to use the street. All this without knowing the list of lucky winners, with the exception of retirees and pensioners!. Yes, because there was a group of over 65 years, for reasons unknown to most, but not all, had been utterly oblivious of the well-deserved retirement. I know, until you modify the labor law, retirement in this country is voluntary.
That's it. Show of hands and, except for die-hard lifelong approved by ERE Scoundrels of those affected.
Once past the process, took a phone book and started to cross out those who for reasons outside work had all the earmarks of being safe. And it came to what we expected, one yes, one no. Come on, that he was playing servant or yes. Satisfied in my person all adverse conditions: not influential family, a high antiquity; sensitive nature ... And so it was.
the company, generating it, from the moment we announced the list of lottery paid leave granted us. Two times I picked up my things and caught up a couple of mates as urgent, because a storm was coming at Grade 4 and at least give them the keys so they can driving the brown best. That above are good people.
Today I signed the settlement. I have told each query by mail or by phone will generate a bill of 100 euros.
From there, the last straw
How To Remove Stud Earrings
Bisbal masters of the world and Italy erotic
Most of the people knew, more or less, it is happening in Egypt. Some can do humor well done (Buenafuente, Wyoming ...), and other screw up in style (Bisbal). One of the
few contestants who left Idol and did not disappear from the map put on Twitter that "I never have seen the pyramids of Egypt so little traffic, hopefully soon to end the revolt." Two words. O-le. His thing was that, as celebrities often do in these cases, had said that someone hacked your Twitter and wrote it. But do not get that far, but the truth is appreciated. People answered with tweets like "I never have been so few cars circulating in Venice, hopefully soon the flood is over" (@ Anitaesazul), I was recently a Quechua tribe and told them I loved the clothes made for Decathlon (@ Chanoc) or come to see the Sistine Chapel. To be a ninja turtle, Michelangelo was a painter cojo (@ CarlotaAlfaro). Probably Bisbal is preparing a plan benefit concert "Help those affected by the flooding of Venice."
Let's go to another part of the world of the world, specifically the IuEsEi. The self-proclaimed masters of the world have a surefire way to discover when it will end elinvierno: a groundhog (is that right). Like the octopus Paul, but is still not dead and called Phil. Today it has reached the conclusiçón ianquie that winter will end soon . For
go. I do not know how many thousand years of human evolution, and most armed country has a groundhog meteorologist. Sure it does better than Bush, who covered himself in glory when Katrina, but has passed him up as president. Too bad the animals can not occur.
and finished with a member of Berlusconi, Simeone di Cagno. They caught the guy looking at porn on your IPAD. Nothing unusual or that comment if not for ... was in Parliament. As Schuster said, "no lack desir hase nothing else", draw your conclusions.
Most of the people knew, more or less, it is happening in Egypt. Some can do humor well done (Buenafuente, Wyoming ...), and other screw up in style (Bisbal). One of the

go. I do not know how many thousand years of human evolution, and most armed country has a groundhog meteorologist. Sure it does better than Bush, who covered himself in glory when Katrina, but has passed him up as president. Too bad the animals can not occur.

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