The contamination, if strained, strain, and if not, peel me 
Recent days have seen some councils "are concerned" (euphemism for passing all) for contamination. This is the case of Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia. In Madrid and Valencia, Gallardón and Rita have had no better idea to change the location of the stations that measure the levels of air pollution. They have spent a lot of sites contaminated green areas as parks. So when they said that before the city was too polluted now say that, supposedly, is good. If
Cuel, Cuel, and if not, my king.
But if you leave the car home and went by subway or bus, or train, or three, better not be the case that pollute. Could also go to places by bike, but the magnificent cycle track in Valencia (That which is divided by points far from the city, four comes and goes) is not accompanied by a lot. Nor do support the recommendation of outdoor sport of Madrid, just in case breathing polluted air. In Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthe first electoral promise fulfilled Mas is the load ban on entering the city in more than 80 per hour.
In reality, though failed, because it does not rain and the contamination rate is not advisable to go to that archive. Meanwhile, in cities of that something called Europe and it is so good and important when cutting putejar social rights and the working class, major cities restrict access to your rental center for health issues and pollution. People on public transport, cycling ... But nothing here, hoped that better rained one day these, marxe the cloud of pollution i. .. to pollute!!
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