Saturday, February 26, 2011

Dark Stool During 39 Weeks Of Pregnancy

Back to the block

the holiday has been short-lived. In fact there has been no holiday. Among paperwork, visits the lawyer, the INEM, the former company, there are always papers to sign, "job interviews, more job interviews, tests and assess various possibilities, I have not had much free time. Moreover, began to be overwhelmed by so many things piled up.

And when everything seemed to calm down, bang, I get work. Wear a week, which means that learning the name of the people who are around me and get me task, I have enough. Not

not bad. Salaries, psss, but will improve in less than a year. The schedule for the American, 8 to 17:30 with a half hour for lunch and Friday, departure at 15:00 hours, provided you do not have English, I have it. So two more hours.

top is right next to home. Well be right next if there is a decent sidewalk or a trail fairly passable, but instead there are only half-built solar and fences. Given my poor mobility be a bit foolhardy to climb that mountain goat embankments, so I have to detour from my house to work is longer than I like.

I do not like, for the utmost safety. No you can go to any branch without magnetic card and the cards are coded so that only some can access certain areas.

And for three quarters out of the same. I threw a couple of days without the happy card and every time I went to the bathroom or for a coffee I had to look out the windows and hit for someone to open me, as an abandoned puppy. Now enter and leave with all normal?, Because most of the time I forget that to open a door, before I have to activate a button ... and there I am, struggling with the latch until the existence of the blessed memory button.

The obsession with security is brutal. For example, Internet pages are mostly prohibited No access to web mail or newspapers. Computers have no readers cd / dvd and use a usb memory little less than before them-a-reports a third-degree interrogation.

Of course, I have been discharged as a staff researcher at the website of the ministry of science and technology. That's class, I say.


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