Friday, February 18, 2011

Ontario Vanity Plates Check

public Declaració d'Accio Cultural

public Declaració d'Accio Cultural del País Valencià (ACPV)

Valencia, divendres, 18 febrer, 2011
Gathered d'Accio Cultural del País Valencia on Thursday, February 17, 2011, has decided to cease emissions of TV3 in Valencia. This is caused by the renewed threat of new fines of the Valencian government. Our company has already paid an initial fine of EUR 126,943.9 and now must be paid two fines totaling 600,000 euros. The deadline for doing so is March 20, if we want to starts the process of constraint and seizure of bank accounts, properties and aids, such as October's Contemporary Culture Centre. Now, in addition, we are threatened with new fines that would mean 120,000 euros more each month.

Given this decision, Cultural Action considered: First

. This campaign of persecution against the work of Cultural Action Honourable Mr Francisco Camps, president of the Generalitat Valenciana.
One of the main reasons is to use the closure of TV3 as a screen for serious allegations hanging over his person as a defendant in the case Gurtel. Second

. This persecution of Mr Cultural Action. Francisco Camps was against the spirit of all European legislation.
All international treaties guaranteeing freedom of movement of audio-visual products. This avoids the political and administrative boundaries constitute an obstacle to the promotion of linguistic diversity and European cultural.

Third. Mr. Frankish Camps and arbitrarily amended the legislation expressly Valencia in order to force the closure of TV3.
end has come to promote a change of law, our sole objective entity and recipient: it is the modification of Law 1 / 2006 of the Government, Audiovisual, by Law 16/2010 , 27 December, on Fiscal, Administrative and Financial Management and organization of the Government. Underline that have not been two months of changing the law.

Fourth. Mr. Camps knows that it has been reciprocity TV3 and Channel 9
Cultural Action was the first civic organization that promoted the creation of Channel 9. Also, since 1989, was promoted to the arrival of Channel 9 in Catalonia. Subsequently, the Catalan government decided to facilitate the reception of Channel 9 in Catalonia for two years while waiting for an agreement of reciprocity with the Generalitat Valenciana. This agreement was rejected by Mr. Camps and continued persecution of TV3.

Fifth. Mr. Camps Valencia denies a television in their own language.
believe that such discrimination is a serious attack on the language and culture in Valencia, against the interests of our people.

Therefore, we ask that the Popular Party

substituesca Mr. Camps as a candidate for the upcoming regional elections, because we understand that a person is unresponsive to the interests of Valencia. Only thus can solve worrying degradation of democracy that currently afflicting the country and ensure that Valencian institutions recover their dignity.

however, not considered closed Cultural Action in the history of TV3 in Valencia. First, the background of the legal dispute remains pending in the Supreme Court and then, if necessary to other European institutions. Because we reason.

Finally, we thank the efforts and solidarity, both during the last 26 years as at present, have shown towards Valencia Cultural Action of its members, hundreds of thousands of citizens of Valencia, Catalonia and the Balearic Islands and the entire civil society of our country, whether associations, political parties, unions, etc.. To all, thank you.

Cultural Action invites you to join the initiative

support spontaneous emission in Valencia
leaving TV3 blogs and websites



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